Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Clothes Show Live 2010

Attending the Clothes Show Live @ Birmingham NEC, on the final day can only mean one thing - BARGAINS GALORE :) 

This is by far, one of the most looked-forward to events of the year for me! Since I started College 4 years ago I have been to the 'CSL' every year without fail - It is now just something I must do! Although, with that said I was almost about to miss it this year, due to lack of funds, but my fabulous BFF decided to get me a ticket for my B'day - What a complete saviour she is! My sister was also in on the surprise and decided to join us today, which just added to my excitement! My sister is my ultimate shopping partner and probably the only person who doesn't loose her temper with me whilst out on the hunt - that right there is one important trait to me. I can't think of anything worse than somebody putting a damper on any shopping trip, with a grumpy attitude and face to go with it...JUST NO...Shopping is my happy time!  

So yes, as I mentioned the lack of funds situation - I had intentions this year of putting myself on a strict "buy Christmas presents ONLY" plan. Of course, this was totally impossible. Any other year...maybe! But this year I was totally surrounded by...Vintage! and alot of Vintage-Like clothing/accessories/footwear, you name it, they had it! Vintage-Indies are way on the map now, and I couldn't be happier. A couple of years back I was so disappointed by the amount of 'market-style-tat' that was being sold, I was nearly put-off going back the next year, but I did and they still have a little of this but it is so overran now by designer brands and interesting independent stores that I bearly noticed it - A.Ma.Zing!  

Another surprise to me today was the actual show - I loved it, usually I just think it is kind of average! The performing acts were nothing to rave about, I must say...Vice?? Inju5tice?? Now I know I'm not the biggest 'boyband buff' but I have never even heard of them in my life! I think I can safely say, I don't think my ears ever want to hear them again - EEK! :\ But the show itself was really entertaining, which could be a tad distracting from a fashion point of view, but I really enjoyed it. The 'Night at the Theatre' theme was really cute (as was presenter, George Lamb - Phwoar!) and covered many different types of movie styles, with a fantastic dance performance to start with then a spectacular array of catwalk-presented outfits to follow - I especially liked the 'High School Musical' theme which was very prep-styled in a 'Greece' kind of way with lots of big bows and cardigans (my faves). The models were all outstandingly preened and professional as usual. That is one thing which I do pick up on every year - Maybe because I am secretly wishing I was up there with them :P

I am such a dope and forgot to get my sisters camera off her to upload all the show pics which I took (my battery did not charge over night, as planned - just my luck!) So unfortunately I will have to do that tommorrow, maybe. What I did do, when I got home Is photographed my small amount of purchases for you, until I can get the most interesting ones up - What can I say, It has been a long day and I am wiped out, so I leave you with this...Hope you enjoy browsing as much as I did :)
*Pretty Polly Stand*
Henry Holland S/S10 Suspender Tights - Xmas style :)
Free Bonus: Henry Holland Chain Motif Knee High Socks
Who Could Say No For £5 - Really!?!? 
*Motel Rocks Stand*
3 ITEMS FOR £30 - Bargain!
2 - bodycon, 2-Piece-Style Dresses 
1 - Checked Grandad Shirt

*Unknown Stand*
One of those cheapo market-type-stalls I mentioned!
It looks so red light district-rock-chic with those
Henry Holland Suspender tights and over the party season
I will pat myself on the back when I team this little faux-
velvet, mesh-contraption with some chunkyankle boots and a bit of
leather! Voila, Bank Holiday on a MEGA budget! 

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